Angel Wing Jewelry

FAITH a belief not based on material evidence but on inner knowing through spiritual faculties of the soul. Spiritual knowing of intangible truths... this is how we know there are ANGELS among us.  Below is a list of the Archangels and their specialties along with Guardian Angels that can assist you on your journey.

The Seven Archangels, are the Angels that Surround God in Heaven, who oversee all of humankind and of the Guardian Angels.  Each Archangel has a specialty representing an aspect of God.

Chamuel (name means "he who sees God)--Love and Adoration

Gabriel (name means "God is my Strength")-- Messenger

Jophiel (name means "Beauty of God)--Creative Power

Michael (name means "He who is God)--Miracles and Protection

Raphael (name means "God heals")--Healing

Uriel (name means "God is light")--Ministration

Zadkiel (name means "righteousness of God")--Prayer

“I Acknowledge the Abundance in My Life with Gratitude and Love in my Heart”
Angel of Prosperity-Abundance...........Archangel Uriel
Guardian Angel of Manifesting.............Evelyn
Guardian Angel of Creativity.................Bettina
Guardian Angel of Happiness...............Eileen
Guardian Angel of Attraction................Terina
Guardian Angel of Opportunity............Christopher

“I Communicate Clearly with Ease and Grace”
Angel of Communication.......................Archangel Gabriel
Angel of Patience...................................Irena
Angel of Inspiration.................................Rachel
Angel of Negotiation...............................Nicole

“I Give and Receive Love Unconditionally”
Angel of Relationships............................Archangel Michael and Archangel Chamuel
Angel of Love......................................... Sophia 
Angel of Harmony...................................Sarah

“My Mind, Body and Spirit are Shielded From Negativity, and Nothing Can Harm Me”
Angel of Protection..............................Archangel Michael

“My Mind, Body and Spirit are Healed with Peace and Loving Light”
Angel of Healing.................................Archangel Raphael
Angel of Strength............................... Barry
Angel of Compassion.........................Florence
Angel of Vitality...................................Esther

“My Mind, Body and Spirit are at Peace, and My Heart is Light”
Angel of Peace..................................Archangel Chamuel
Angel of Harmony.............................Muriel


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