Giving Angels Adjustable Bracelets

Positive energy flows from giving to others. When you do something good for another, that energy is returned. The cycle of generosity and kindness benefits both giver and receiver. Give that which you want, and it will be returned to you. If you want to love, give love. If you want peace, be an ambassador of peace.

The Giving Angels can guide us in our journey through life and help contribute to the wellbeing of others. Wear an angel or give one as a gift. When you give the gift of angels you give the gift of yourself. Angel energy, the energy of highest good, is there to help us have a positive impact on the world around us.

When you see another in need, give them your angel. Open your heart and pay it forward. What we extend we get back tenfold.

You can impact this movement by sharing your story about your experience with the Giving Angels. How did you find it? How did it find you? What healing did you receive from it? What prompted you to give it away? How did it feel to give to another? Tell us your story and let its message heal those it reaches.

Snap. Tag. Share your story. #angelsandemeralds

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